Such a lovely month..i heart December for giving me such an awesome moment everyday. (^_^)v

Schmoozelfleugen had nominated me for Sunshine award. What is Sunshine award?  The Sunshine Blog award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is given to “bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.

Do visit her blog, she have an awesome story and u’ll love it ❤ =)



There’ll be a rules in order to accept this award, which is :

1) Include the award Logo(s) in a post or in your blog.
 2) Answer 10 questions about your self. 
 3) Nominate 10 to 12 other fabulous bloggers. 
 4) Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know they are nominated. 
 5) Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

 10 things about me: 1. hehe..who am i? Im funny and love to laugh out loud.. That is me, i can’t control my level of laugh, even im in nice dress… hahaha :p
2. I love karaoke
3. I don’t like sushi and i can’t even smell it. however my berry love it and i dun noe how to deal with it.. toing..toin..toing
4. Nobody knows that i would really like to go to Holland and pluck the Tulips  there.. oops, Now everybody knows.. so who would like to bring me there? hehe
5. I once was a Uni debaters.. haha
6. i talk a lot when im in fun mood
7. DIET was never ever in my dictionary 😀
8. I enjoy baking whenever i have a chance.
9. Im a bad temper person…hoho, can’t believe it? 😛
10. Can i say i love shooping ?? hehe..
there are 10 things a bout me that i guess not even my family members and friends knows.. hohohoho

Alright, now the time to choose 10 fabulous bloggers. and the awards goes to……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1. knitxpressions
2. littlepoppits
3. marryanne
4. remily knits
5. sweatyknitter
6. joybrewed
7. chrochetmissy
8. weekend knitter
9. uniqueCrochet
10. crayonsandmilk

Hope u guys enjoy it ❤